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The Best Python Libraries for Automation in 2025

The Best Python Libraries for Automation in 2025

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Nowadays, we love automation. Everyone wants to automate boring tasks, making automation important for everyone. It speeds up our tasks, reduces errors, and improves productivity. Whether you need to scrape websites, schedule tasks, manage files, or interact with APIs, Python has a solution.

In 2025, automation tools are more powerful than ever. Python automation libraries now offer better speed, improved integrations, and AI-powered features. Developers, data analysts, and IT professionals use them daily to simplify their workflows.

This blog explores the best Python libraries for automation in 2025. You’ll learn about their features, real-world applications, and how to use them with simple code examples. Now let’s start.

Why Use Python for Automation?

1. Simple and Easy to Learn

Python is known for its simple syntax and easy code. Even beginners can use Python libraries for automation without much effort. This makes it a great choice for both professionals and newcomers.

2. Large Collection of Automation Libraries

Python has a vast number of automation libraries to handle different tasks. Whether you want to schedule tasks or extract data from websites, process files, or manage APIs, there’s a library for everything. We have some of the Popular python libraries like Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and PyAutoGUI.These makes automation smooth and efficient.

3. Cross-Platform Compatibility

Python works on all platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux without major changes. This means you can write a script once and run it anywhere.

4. Strong Community Support

Python has a large and active community. If you run into problems, you can find solutions on forums, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Many Python libraries for automation have well-documented guides and tutorials, making it easier to get started.

5. AI and Machine Learning Integration

Python Automates the workflow by integrateimg machine learning and AI into our automation tasks. Libraries like TensorFlow, OpenAI’s API, and Scikit-learn allow you to build advanced automation workflows that learn and improve over time.

6. Saves Time and Reduces Errors

Manual works are always tends to slow and error-prone. Python automation libraries help speed up repetitive tasks while ensuring accuracy. Whether it’s data entry, email automation, or file processing, Python can handle it quickly and efficiently.

What’s Next?

Now that you know why Python is great for automation, let’s explore the best Python libraries for automation in 2025. We’ll look at their features, how they work, and where to use them—with simple code examples to help you get started.

A radial mindmap visualization of Python automation libraries, with a central node labeled 'Python Automation' and categories branching out, including Task Scheduling, Web Scraping, File Automation, Email Automation, GUI Automation, API Automation, Data Processing, and AI & ML Automation. Each category has sub-nodes representing relevant Python libraries.
A structured visualization of essential Python libraries for task scheduling, web scraping, file automation, email automation, GUI automation, API interactions, data processing, and AI-driven automation.

Task Scheduling & Workflow Automation with Python Libraries for Automation

Automating the tasks at the right time is important. Whether you need to run scripts on a schedule, manage background jobs, or handle complex workflows, Python libraries for automation makes it easy. These tools help you schedule tasks, track execution, and automate large-scale processes.

A mind map visualization of Task Scheduling & Workflow Automation in Python, showing three main libraries: schedule, APScheduler, and Celery, with their key features branching out in a structured, easy-to-read format. Each node is color-coded for clarity.
A structured mind map visualization of Task Scheduling & Workflow Automation using Python, highlighting schedule, APScheduler, and Celery, along with their key features.

1. schedule – Simple Time-Based Task Scheduling

The Schedule library helps you automate small tasks easily. You can run scripts at specific times without setting up anything complicated.

Best for:

  • Running a script every hour
  • Sending daily reports


  • Easy-to-use syntax.
  • Supports hourly, daily, and weekly scheduling.
  • Runs in the background without blocking other tasks.

Example: Running a script every day at 8 AM

import schedule  
import time  

def task():  
    print("Running scheduled task...")  


while True:  

2. APScheduler – Advanced Scheduler for Background Jobs

If you need more control over your automation, APScheduler is a great option. It lets you run recurring jobs, store tasks in a database, and handle multiple tasks at once.

Best for:

  • Automating background jobs
  • Running multiple scheduled tasks
  • Storing job history


  • Supports interval, cron, and date-based scheduling
  • Can store scheduled jobs in a database
  • Works with async functions for better performance

Example: Running a task every 5 minutes

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler  

def my_job():  
    print("Task executed!")  

scheduler = BlockingScheduler()  
scheduler.add_job(my_job, 'interval', minutes=5)  

3. Celery – Distributed Task Queue for Large-Scale Automation

For large-scale automation and background processing, Celery is the best choice. It’s great for real-time systems and can distribute tasks across multiple workers.

Best for:


  • Supports task queues and parallel execution
  • Works with message brokers like Redis and RabbitMQ
  • Can retry failed tasks automatically

Example: Running a background task asynchronously

from celery import Celery  

app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost:6379/0')  

def add(x, y):  
    return x + y  

result = add.delay(10, 20)  # Runs the task in the background  
print(result.get())  # Gets the result once it's ready  

Which Library Should You Use?

  • Schedule → Best for simple time-based automation.
  • APScheduler → Great for advanced scheduling with more control.
  • Celery → Ideal for large-scale automation and background tasks.

Next, let’s look at more Python libraries for automation, including web scraping, API interactions, and file management.

Web Scraping & Data Extraction with Python Libraries for Automation

Getting data from websites is a common automation task. You can use it to track prices, collect news, or get social media data. Python has tools that make this easy. They help you read web pages, handle dynamic content, and control browsers automatically.

A radial mind map diagram for Web Scraping & Data Extraction. The central node ("Web Scraping & Data Extraction") connects to three major tools: BeautifulSoup (HTML/XML Parsing) - Lightweight, simple syntax. Scrapy (Web Scraping Framework) - Handles large-scale crawling. Selenium (Browser Automation) - Extracts dynamic content. Each tool is placed in a circular layout with its category and key feature clearly labeled.
A detailed radial mind map illustrating key Python tools for web scraping with categories and descriptions.

1. BeautifulSoup – Easy HTML & XML Parsing

BeautifulSoup is a simple tool for web scraping. It helps you get data from HTML and XML pages.

Best for:

  • Quickly getting data from static websites


  • Reads HTML and XML easily
  • Finds elements using tags, classes, or attributes
  • Works with requests to download web pages

Example: Get all links from a webpage

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  
import requests  

url = ""  
response = requests.get(url)  
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")  

for link in soup.find_all("a"):  

2. Scrapy – Full-Featured Web Scraping Framework

If you need to crawl multiple pages and store data efficiently, Scrapy is a great choice. It’s a powerful web scraping framework with built-in support for data pipelines.

Best for: Large-scale web scraping projects.

  • Handles multiple pages and dynamic content.
  • Supports exporting data to CSV, JSON, or databases.
  • Faster than BeautifulSoup for large datasets.

Example: Creating a simple Scrapy spider

import scrapy  

class QuotesSpider(scrapy.Spider):  
    name = "quotes"  
    start_urls = [""]  

    def parse(self, response):  
        for quote in response.css("div.quote"):  
            yield {"text": quote.css("span.text::text").get()}  

3. Selenium – Automating Browser Actions for Dynamic Content

Some websites load data dynamically using JavaScript. In such cases, Selenium is the best choice. It controls a web browser to interact with elements, click buttons, and extract data.

Best for: Scraping dynamic content from JavaScript-heavy websites.

  • Automates clicking, scrolling, and form submissions.
  • Works with Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers.
  • Supports headless mode for faster scraping.

Example: Extracting dynamic content with Selenium

from selenium import webdriver  
from import By  

driver = webdriver.Chrome()  

element = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "h1")  


Which Library Should You Use?

  • We can use BeautifulSoup for simple HTML parsing and quick data extraction.
  • Use Scrapy for large-scale web scraping projects.
  • Use Selenium for automating interactions with JavaScript-heavy websites.

Next, let’s explore more Python libraries for automation focusing on File & System Automation

File & System Automation with Python Libraries for Automation

Automating file management and system tasks can save a lot of time. Whether you need to copy files, organize directories, or monitor changes, Python libraries make it simple. These tools help you handle file operations, interact with the system, and monitor changes in real time.

A radial mind map diagram illustrating File & System Automation in Python. The central node ("File & System Automation") connects to three major tools: shutil (File Operations) - Copy, move, delete files. os (System Automation) - Navigate directories, execute commands. watchdog (File Monitoring) - Track file changes in directories. Each tool is placed in a circular layout with its category and a brief description.
A radial mind map representing essential Python tools for automating file and system tasks, with categories and descriptions.

1. shutil – File Operations (Copy, Move, Delete)

The shutil module helps you manage files and folders easily. You can copy, move, and delete files without trouble.

Best for:

  • Copying, moving, and deleting files and folders


  • Handles multiple files and folders at once
  • Works with local file storage
  • Useful for backups and organizing files

Example: Copy a file to another folder

import shutil  

source = "source_folder/file.txt"  
destination = "destination_folder/file.txt"  

shutil.copy(source, destination)  
print("File copied successfully!")  

2. os – System-Level Automation & Directory Navigation

The os module helps you work with the operating system. You can create folders, rename files, and run commands automatically.

Best for:

  • Creating folders and renaming files
  • Running system commands


  • Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Helps with batch file processing
  • Manages environment variables

Example: Create a new folder and list all files in it

import os  

os.mkdir("new_folder")  # Create a folder  
files = os.listdir(".")  # List files in the current directory  

3. watchdog – Real-Time File Monitoring

The watchdog library helps you track file changes in real time. It can detect new, modified, or deleted files instantly.

Best for:

  • Monitoring folders for changes


  • Notices file changes, deletions, and new files
  • Useful for log monitoring and backups
  • Supports event-based automation

Example: Watch a folder for file changes

from watchdog.observers import Observer  
from import FileSystemEventHandler  
import time  

class MyHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):  
    def on_modified(self, event):  
        print(f"File changed: {event.src_path}")  

observer = Observer()  
observer.schedule(MyHandler(), path=".", recursive=True)  

    while True:  
except KeyboardInterrupt:  

Which Library Should You Use?

  1. We can use shutil for copying, moving, and deleting files.
  2. Use os for system automation and directory operations.
  3. Use watchdog for real-time file monitoring.

Next, we’ll explore more Python libraries for automation, including Email & Notification Automation

Must Read

Email & Notification Automation with Python Libraries for Automation

Automating emails and notifications can save time and improve productivity. Whether you need to send emails, read messages, or send SMS alerts, Python libraries for automation make it easy. These tools help you handle SMTP emails, email management, and mobile notifications.

A radial mind map diagram illustrating Mail & Notification Automation in Python. The central node ("Mail & Notification Automation") connects to three major tools: 📧 smtplib (Email Sending) - Sends emails via SMTP. 📥 imaplib (Email Management) - Reads and manages emails. 📱 twilio (SMS & WhatsApp) - Automates SMS and WhatsApp messaging. Each tool is arranged in a circular layout with its category and a brief description.
A radial mind map representing key Python tools for automating emails and notifications, with categories and descriptions.

1. smtplib – Sending Emails via SMTP

The smtplib module allows you to send emails using an SMTP server. You can automate notifications, alerts, or reports.

Best for: Sending automated emails.

  • Works with Gmail, Outlook, and other email providers.
  • Supports plain text and HTML emails.
  • Can send emails with attachments.

Example: Sending an email using Gmail SMTP

import smtplib  

sender_email = ""  
receiver_email = ""  
password = "your_password"  

message = """Subject: Automated Notification  

Hello, this is an automated email from Python."""  

with smtplib.SMTP("", 587) as server:  
    server.login(sender_email, password)  
    server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message)  

print("Email sent successfully!")  

2. imaplib – Reading & Managing Emails

If you need to read, filter, or manage emails, the imaplib module helps you automate email handling.

Best for: Reading emails and managing inboxes.

  • Retrieves emails from Gmail, Outlook, and IMAP-supported services.
  • Supports filtering emails by subject, sender, or date.
  • Helps in automated email sorting and responses.

Example: Fetching unread emails

import imaplib  
import email  

mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("")  
mail.login("", "your_password")"inbox")  

status, messages =, "UNSEEN")  
for num in messages[0].split():  
    status, msg_data = mail.fetch(num, "(RFC822)")  
    msg = email.message_from_bytes(msg_data[0][1])  
    print("From:", msg["From"])  
    print("Subject:", msg["Subject"])  

3. Twilio – Automating SMS & WhatsApp Messages

If you want to send SMS or WhatsApp notifications, Twilio is a great choice. It allows you to send messages programmatically.

Best for: Sending SMS, WhatsApp messages, and voice alerts.

  • Sends real-time notifications.
  • Supports two-factor authentication (2FA) messages.
  • Works with WhatsApp and phone numbers worldwide.

Example: Sending an SMS with Twilio

from import Client  

account_sid = "your_account_sid"  
auth_token = "your_auth_token"  
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)  

message = client.messages.create(  
    body="Hello, this is an automated message!",  
    from_="+1234567890",  # Your Twilio number  
    to="+9876543210"  # Recipient's number  

print("Message sent successfully!")  

Which Library Should You Use?

  • We can use smtplib for sending emails.
  • Use imaplib for reading and managing emails.
  • Use Twilio for SMS and WhatsApp automation.

Next, we’ll explore more Python libraries for automation, including GUI & Desktop Automation.

GUI & Desktop Automation with Python

Automating mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and UI interactions can help you save time and avoid repetitive work. With Python, you can control apps, fill forms, and create custom automation tools easily.

Best for:

  • Mouse clicks and movements
  • Typing automatically
  • Interacting with apps
A radial mind map diagram illustrating GUI & Desktop Automation in Python. The central node ("GUI & Desktop Automation") connects to three major tools: 🖱️ pyautogui (UI Control) - Simulates keyboard & mouse actions. 📐 PyQt (GUI Development) - Builds powerful GUI applications. 🖥️ Tkinter (Simple GUI) - Creates basic graphical interfaces. Each tool is arranged in a circular layout with its category and a brief description.
A radial mind map representing key Python tools for GUI & desktop automation, with categories and descriptions.

1. pyautogui – Simulate Keyboard and Mouse Actions

pyautogui allows you to control the mouse and keyboard programmatically. You can move the cursor, click buttons, type text, and even take screenshots.

Best for:

  • Automating repetitive UI tasks like clicking buttons or filling forms.
  • Taking screenshots and analyzing on-screen elements.
  • Keyboard automation (typing text, pressing hotkeys).

Example: Moving the mouse and clicking

import pyautogui  

pyautogui.moveTo(500, 300)  # Move mouse to coordinates (500, 300)  # Click at the current mouse position  
pyautogui.write("Hello, Automation!", interval=0.1)  # Type text"enter")  # Press Enter key  

2. PyQt / Tkinter – Build GUI Automation Tools

If you need to create a graphical interface for your automation tasks, PyQt and Tkinter are excellent choices. These libraries let you build desktop applications with buttons, forms, and automation controls.

Best for:

  • Creating automation tools with user-friendly interfaces.
  • Building custom scripts that require user input before automation.
  • Developing interactive GUI applications.

Example: A simple Tkinter GUI for automation

import tkinter as tk  
import pyautogui  

def auto_click():  

root = tk.Tk()  
root.title("Automation Tool")  

button = tk.Button(root, text="Click Mouse", command=auto_click)  


Which Library Should You Use?

  • Use pyautogui for simulating user interactions like clicking, typing, and scrolling.
  • Use PyQt or Tkinter to build interactive automation tools with a GUI.

Next, we’ll explore Python libraries for automation in API Automation & Web Requests.

API Automation & Web Requests with Python Libraries for Automation

APIs allows your applications to communicate with each other. Automating API interactions can save time and reduce errors. Whether you need to send HTTP requests, retrieve data from web services, or integrate with third-party APIs, Python libraries for automation make the process simple.

A radial mind map diagram illustrating API Automation & Web Requests in Python. The central node ("API Automation & Web Requests") connects to two major tools: 🔗 requests (HTTP Requests) - Simple & widely used for API calls. ⚡ httpx (Async Requests) - Advanced alternative with async support. Each tool is arranged in a circular layout with its category and a brief description.
A radial mind map representing key Python tools for API automation and web requests, with categories and descriptions.

1. requests – Simple HTTP Requests

The requests library is the most popular choice for sending API requests. It simplifies GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests and handles JSON responses, authentication, and headers easily.

Best for: Making simple HTTP requests.

  • Supports REST API calls.
  • Handles authentication, headers, and cookies.
  • Parses JSON responses automatically.

Example: Sending a GET request

import requests  

url = ""  
response = requests.get(url)  

if response.status_code == 200:  
    data = response.json()  
    print("Response:", data)  
    print("Failed to fetch data.")  

Example: Sending a POST request

data = {"username": "test_user", "password": "secure_pass"}  
response ="", json=data)  

print("Response:", response.json())  

2. httpx – Advanced HTTP Requests with Async Support

The httpx library is a more powerful alternative to requests, offering asynchronous support for faster API automation.

Best for: Making async API requests in Python.

  • Supports synchronous and asynchronous requests.
  • Handles timeouts, retries, and sessions efficiently.
  • Works well with FastAPI and asyncio.

Example: Sending an async request with httpx

import httpx  
import asyncio  

async def fetch_data():  
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:  
        response = await client.get("")  

Which Library Should You Use?

  • Use requests for simple API automation.
  • Use httpx for asynchronous API requests when speed matters.

Next, we’ll explore Python libraries for automation in data processing and workflow integration.

Data Processing & Reporting with Python Libraries for Automation

Automating data handling, Excel reports, and analytics can save hours of manual work. Whether you’re cleaning datasets, generating reports, or automating spreadsheet tasks, Python libraries for automation provide powerful tools to handle it efficiently.

A radial mind map diagram illustrating Data Processing & Reporting in Python. The central node ("Data Processing & Reporting") connects to two major tools: 📊 pandas – Data analysis: Processes & analyzes structured data. 📄 openpyxl – Excel automation: Reads & writes Excel files. Each tool is arranged in a circular layout with its category and a brief description.
A radial mind map showcasing key Python tools for Data Processing & Reporting, with clear categories and explanations.

1. pandas – Data Analysis and Processing

The pandas library is the most widely used tool for handling structured data. It allows you to clean, manipulate, and analyze datasets with ease.

Best for: Data processing, analysis, and transformation.

  • Works with CSV, Excel, JSON, and databases.
  • Provides powerful data filtering and aggregation.
  • Handles large datasets efficiently.

Example: Reading and processing a CSV file

import pandas as pd  

# Read CSV file  
df = pd.read_csv("sales_data.csv")  

# Filter data where sales are greater than 1000  
filtered_data = df[df["Sales"] > 1000]  

# Save the filtered data to a new CSV file  
filtered_data.to_csv("filtered_sales.csv", index=False)  

print("Filtered data saved successfully!")  

2. openpyxl – Excel File Automation

The openpyxl library allows you to read, write, and modify Excel files programmatically. It’s perfect for generating automated reports.

Best for: Working with Excel files (.xlsx).

  • Reads and writes Excel files without opening them manually.
  • Supports cell formatting, charts, and formulas.
  • Automates Excel reports and data entry.

Example: Creating an Excel report

import openpyxl  

# Create a new Excel workbook  
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()  
ws =  
ws.title = "Sales Report"  

# Add column headers  
ws.append(["Product", "Sales", "Revenue"])  

# Add data  
data = [  
    ["Laptop", 150, 300000],  
    ["Phone", 200, 400000],  
    ["Tablet", 100, 150000]  

for row in data:  

# Save the file"sales_report.xlsx")  

print("Excel report generated successfully!")  

Which Library Should You Use?

  • Use pandas for data cleaning, transformation, and analysis.
  • Use openpyxl for Excel file automation and report generation.

Next, we’ll explore Python libraries for automation in AI & Machine Learning Automation.

AI & Machine Learning Automation with Python Libraries for Automation

AI and machine learning can be automated to train models, make predictions, and process text without manual intervention. With the right Python libraries for automation, you can build intelligent applications, automate data analysis, and generate AI-driven insights.

A radial mind map diagram illustrating AI & Machine Learning Automation in Python. The central node ("AI & ML Automation") connects to two key tools: 🤖 openai – AI-powered automation: Uses GPT models for NLP tasks. 📚 transformers – Pre-trained AI models: Automates text processing. Each tool is neatly placed in a circular layout, with category labels and brief descriptions.
A radial mind map visualizing Python tools for AI & Machine Learning Automation, with clear categories and concise explanations.

1. openai – AI-Powered Automation with GPT

The openai library allows developers to integrate powerful AI models like GPT into their automation workflows. It can be used for text generation, summarization, chatbots, and code completion.

Best for: Automating AI-driven text processing and decision-making.

  • Generates human-like text responses.
  • Automates content creation, summarization, and chatbot interactions.
  • Supports code generation and language translation.

Example: Generating text with OpenAI GPT

import openai  

openai.api_key = "your_api_key"  

response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(  
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Give me three automation tips."}],  


2. transformers – Pre-Trained AI Models for NLP

The transformers library from Hugging Face provides pre-trained AI models for natural language processing (NLP). It supports text classification, translation, sentiment analysis, and more.

Best for: Automating NLP tasks like summarization and text classification.

  • Provides pre-trained AI models for fast deployment.
  • Supports sentiment analysis, translation, and text generation.
  • Works with BERT, GPT, T5, and other state-of-the-art models.

Example: Sentiment analysis using transformers

from transformers import pipeline  

# Load sentiment analysis model  
sentiment_analyzer = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")  

# Analyze text  
result = sentiment_analyzer("I love using Python for automation!")  


Which Library Should You Use?

  • Use openai for AI-powered automation, chatbot development, and text generation.
  • Use transformers for automating NLP tasks like text classification and summarization.

How to Choose the Right Python Library for Automation

With so many Python libraries for automation, picking the right one depends on your specific task, ease of use, and performance requirements. Here’s a simple guide to help you choose the best library for your needs.

1. Identify Your Automation Task

Different tasks require different libraries. Ask yourself:

  • Are you scheduling tasks? → Use schedule or Celery.
  • Do you need web scraping? → Try BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, or Selenium.
  • Are you processing data? → Use pandas and openpyxl.
  • Need AI automation? → Use openai or transformers.

2. Consider Ease of Use

  • Some libraries are simple and beginner-friendly (e.g., schedule, pandas).
  • Others require advanced setup (e.g., Celery for distributed tasks, Scrapy for large-scale web scraping).
  • If you’re new to automation, start with lightweight and well-documented libraries.

3. Check Performance and Scalability

  • If you need fast and lightweight automation, use libraries like schedule and requests.
  • For high-performance tasks, choose Celery (distributed task queues) or transformers (optimized AI models).

4. Look at Community Support & Documentation

  • Choose libraries with active communities and frequent updates.
  • Check their official documentation and GitHub activity to ensure they are well-maintained.

5. Experiment and Test

Sometimes, the best way to decide is to try a few options and see which works best for your project. Run small test scripts to compare results.


Automation with Python can save time, reduce errors, and improve efficiency across various tasks. Whether you’re scheduling jobs, scraping data, managing files, or automating AI workflows, Python provides reliable and easy-to-use libraries to handle the job.

When choosing a library, consider ease of use, performance, and scalability. Start with simple tools like schedule for task automation or pandas for data processing. For more advanced needs, explore Scrapy for large-scale web scraping, Celery for distributed task management, or openai for AI-driven automation.

By integrating Python libraries for automation into your workflow, you can boost productivity, simplify repetitive tasks, and focus on more important work. Start automating today and experience the power of Python!


1. What is the best Python library for task scheduling?

The schedule library is great for simple time-based automation, while APScheduler and Celery handle more complex, background job scheduling. If you need distributed task management, Celery is the best choice.

2. Which Python library is best for web scraping?

It depends on your needs:
BeautifulSoup – Best for parsing static HTML/XML.
Scrapy – Ideal for large-scale web scraping projects.
Selenium – Perfect for scraping dynamic websites with JavaScript content.

3. How can I automate file management in Python?You can use:
shutil – For copying, moving, and deleting files.
os – For interacting with the file system.
watchdog – To monitor file changes in real-time.

4. Can Python automate API interactions?

Yes! The requests library is the most popular for sending HTTP requests, while httpx is a powerful alternative that supports asynchronous requests for better performance.

External Resources on Python Libraries for Automation

Here are some useful resources to explore Python automation libraries in detail:

Official Documentation

  • Python Schedule – Lightweight task scheduling library.
  • APScheduler – Advanced job scheduling in Python.
  • Celery – Distributed task queue for large-scale automation.
  • BeautifulSoup – Web scraping and HTML parsing.
  • Scrapy – Powerful web scraping framework.
  • Selenium – Automate browser actions for web testing and scraping.
  • requests – Simplified HTTP requests for APIs.
  • pandas – Data processing and analysis.

Guides & Tutorials

These resources will help you deepen your understanding and start automating tasks efficiently using Python.

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